Hi, my name is Joe Pritchard. As a young boy growing up, I was called “Ronnie” and went by that moniker until I joined the United States Air Force in 1956. I want to share with you some of my humble growing-up experiences and how those experiences helped shape my character and personality development as a young boy with little or no direction in life.

Welcome to my website! I’m going to tell you how I became a successful psychologist.
About Joseph Ronnie Pritchard, Inc.
Joseph Pritchard, founder of Joseph Ronnie Pritchard, Inc., Helps guide people with everyday stress and difficulties in coping with life situations and making them productive members of society.
Losing one’s self-esteem can be devastating and leads to abnormal behavior in many cases. Strange behavior is often called a social misfit. My goal is to try and help the individual replace negative thinking with positive thinking.
Joseph Pritchard, CEO of Joseph Ronnie Pritchard, Inc.
Joseph Ronnie Pritchard is a counselor in Psychology. My goal is to help people overcome their negative thought processes and channel those thought processes into productive behavior.
My Story
People tell me that I am is a good listener. And a psychologist has to be a good listener. I was a part-time psychologist long before entering the academic world.
While in the military, my jobs caused me to interface with many diverse groups of people. I was providing career counseling and development to behavioral counseling. I was the perfect candidate for a career in the psychology department.
I decided to get my Master’s Degree in Psychology from Ball State University. Later I became a Doctoral Candidate in the Ball State program. I received A Lifetime Teaching Credential from Los Angeles Community College and taught psychology courses while stationed at Kunsan Air Base, Korea. Kunsan being on a solo tour of duty had a great need for marriage counseling, which I did.
I Want to Help You
I’m here for you if you need a great listener who can guide you in helping you overcome unsurmountable obstacles; we all need some help now and then. The key to a successful ending is nipping the situation before it becomes a significant problem or issue. And, we can do this together.
I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying, “doctor, heal thyself.” Well, sometimes, we need a little help along the way. And that’s what I’m here to help you with your problems.
If you have any questions, please leave them below, and I will be more than happy to help you if I can.
All the best,